>> Tulokset, väliajat ja reittihärveli
Iltarastit 20.8. Solvalla laskettelurinne 16:30-18:30 Ratamestari David Farkas, pomo Jorma Erkkilä.
Maksu: 8€, alle 19v 3€, emit-vuokra 2€. Maksutavat: Käteinen, erilaiset liikuntasetelit sekä Iltarastit SALDO -sarjaliput ja -yhteisömaksut.
Radat: 1.5, 3, 4, 4V, 5, 6, 7 ja 9km. Lisäksi intervalliharjoitus 6km. Kaikki rastit painettu karttaan, yhdistä oma ratasi. Siirtymät lähtöön L1 700m lyhyet radat (1.5-4km) / L2 1600m muut radat, paluu etämaalista 400/1100m.
Maali suljetaan ja ajanotto päättyy 20:00. ONLINE tulokset
Iltarastit EXPRESS -palvelu on nopein reitti metsään ja Iltarastit SALDO tekee emit-kortista sarjalipun ja maksukortin.
>> Iltarastikävijän ohjeet >> ONLINE tulokset >> Kalenteri
Seuraavaksi Iltarastit 27.8. Paloheinä ja Firmaliiga 21.8. Velskola-Sorvalampi.
>> Katso ratamestarin terveiset
Next Monday we are revisiting Solvalla, my favorite terrain in the HS Iltarasti repertoire. Due to a requirement to use a special part of the terrain, the starts and finishes are somewhat more distant than usual. When planning to come to the event, please calculate with this. The 1.5, 3, 4 courses use the closer start and finish (L1, M1), while 4V and the longer courses have 2.7km extra if you count together the distance to the start and then from finish to the parking spot (L2, M2).
This time in the designs I was aiming to have a mix of both longer route choices, and short legs in detail rich parts. Sometimes forbidden areas help the route choices to be more interesting, please make sure your selected path does not carry you inside the purple. The controls, mainly in the longer courses are hidden if possible. My goal was, that the runner sees the object first before the flag from the likely running direction.
I am a big fan of interval training, I did this a few years ago. Beside the normal 1.5, … 6, 7, 9, there is another completely different course, marked “Interval”. The length is about 6km. It has 4 small intervals (around 600-800m). The idea is, that time only matters when you are running the “fast part” of the interval. There are 4 starts and 4 finishes. In the middle of the course these “start” and “finish” checkpoints are normal IR checkpoints. We will have special A4 maps for runners who want to run this special course with 4 printed starts and 4 printed finishes. The leg from a finish to the next start is marked by a dashed line.
You punch at a start, then you go all in, and try to push as hard as you can for the next 4 checkpoints. The 4th will be a finish. How much time it takes for you to move between intervals doesn’t matter. You can even walk or stretch on those legs. Your next interval starts as soon as you punch on the next “start”.
You can get points for each of the 4 intervals. These points are: 60, 50, 45, 40, 36, 32, 29, 26, 23, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. If you are not in the top 24 for an interval, you get 0 points. You final score is the 4 interval scores added together. Most points overall win.
Tiebreakers are:
- Best interval score (Example 12 + 0 + 0 + 0 beats 4 + 6 + 1 + 1)
- Sum of times you spend on the fast part of the intervals
Due to this calculation method, if you botch an interval, you can still amend it with scoring high on the next ones. You can ignore the “normal” online tulokset for the interval course. I will have the points calculated and posted to the website latest on Tuesday.
Come and enjoy a nice afternoon in Nuuksio!
David Farkas – ratamestari