Mathieu Perrin HS:ään

Ranskan maajoukkuesuunnistaja Mathieu Perrin siirtyy kaudesta 2023 alkaen HS:n sini-vihreä-valkoiseen paitaan.

Mathieu on viime vuosina noussut Ranskan maajoukkueen runkomiehistöön. Parhaana arvokisatuloksena hänellä on 8. sija viime elokuun EM-kisojen keskimatkalta. Tutuksi OK Denselniä Pohjoismaissa edustanut Mathieu tuli jo vuoden 2021 Euromeetingissä, jossa hän voitti pitkän matkan kisan ennen Olli Ojanahoa ja Topi Syrjäläistä. Tämän syksyn SM-keskimatkalla osat kääntyivät, Olli oli toinen, Topi kolmas ja Mathieu neljäs. Syyslukukauden Jyväskylässä opiskellut ranskalainen  on treenannut yhdessä HS:n Jyväskylän-osaston kanssa viikoittain, joten seuravalinta oli varsin luonteva. Jatkossa Mathieu osallistuu säännöllisesti HS:n leireihin ja sparraa vauhdikkaissa treeneissä kaikkia miehiä entistä kovempaan vauhtiin. 

Kysymyksiä Mathieulle:

Where do you live and what do you do when you are not training or competing?

I am doing an exchange semester in Jyväskylä until December. Then I will start doing an internship in the French Jura in France, from January until the summer. 

When I’m not training or competing, I eat or sleep! Seriously, I’m studying as an engineer in Bioinformatics, in Lyon, but now school is almost over for me.

How did you start orienteering, and what is the thing that keeps you doing it so enthusiatically?

Both my parents were elite orienteering runners, so I can’t really remember when I started. I love reading maps and discovering places, so it has come quite naturally for me to love this sport. Especially with such a great community!

What goals do you have as an athelete?

My main goal is World Championships, I think it is kind of an ultimate goal for any orienteering runner. My goal right now is to enter the top 6 at next years world champs. But of course, World Cups, Jukola and Tiomila are amazing races too. I’ve been watching them since I was a child. So performing in those competitions, and even winning, would feel amazing.

What special do you expect to get in your orienteering as a member of HS?

Right now I’m at a very special point in my orienteering career. The first elite years are done, and I feel that I’m starting to be competitive at an international level. But these last steps going to the top are the hardest, and probably require some new perspectives, new ideas and new inspirations. I hope to find that in HS. I know there are a lot of super cool runners and some good deal of experience from the club and the coaches! Of course I also hope I will be able to bring something more to the team. Looking forward to running with those green and blue colors!

Kuvat Jani Lakanen

Mathieu Perrin
Kuva Euromeeting Euromeetingin 2021 pitkän matkan palkintojenjaosta, kuvalähde SSL. Kuvassa vasemmalta Olli, Mathieu ja Topi