
The rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation as well as the instructions of the organizer will be followed in this competition.


Competition Leader: Juha Burtsoff  050-3365688
Controller: Atso Mäkinen, Mesikämmenet
Judge council head: Mrs. Henna Nurminen, KangSK
members:Mr Jarmo Karjala (Delta), Mr Jari Lehtonen, RaVa

Information: Minna Ryyppö 0400-728032
Course Planners: Veli-Matti Kyckling, Matti Raula,  Raimo Summanen, Raino Lampinen
Maps: Hannu Lammi
Competition center: Erkki Raimovaara, Kalle Kuparinen, Jorma Kuparinen
Info: Leena Salmenkylä-Mattila
Cafeteria: Eero Ollikainen
Speakers: Annamari Vierikko ja Pauliina Lankinen
Results: Ilmo Pirilä, Jarmo Laakso, Jukka Kyhäräinen, Martin Söderström
Result board: Erkki Miettinen
Starts: Seppo Isoherranen
Start1: Jouni Savelainen
Start2: Kalle Kuhmonen
Start3: Aimo Kangas
First Aid: Olli Juntunen, Kari Salo
Child care: Kaarina Isoherranen
Parking: Aulis Ignatius
Signs: Rolf Hirn
Water controls: Juhani ja Vuokko Rajamäki
Warning control: Risto Hakio
Line judge: Tytti Torp

Map: 1:10 000, contour interval 5 m, Updated 5/2006, 6-coloured. Plastic cover. Maps are not collected at finish. Size of the map A3, H/D12TR-H/D14 A4, H/DRR9-H/DRR10 A5.

Starts and courses: See "Courses" on menu on the left side.

Competition numbers: All the competitors use numbers. The numbers are available at the competition center. Numbers for Start 3 (= H/DRR9- H/D14) are on the way to the start place, which is in different direction than other start places on Saturday. On Sunday all the numbers are at the same place (for those who didn't start on Saturday.)
The same number is valid for both days. The needles will be collected at finish on Sunday.

Model control point:
There is a model control and a 0 –punching unit at the competition center.

Emit-card: If you have rented an emit-card, you will get it at the competition office (information). Fee 3 euro/card/day. Competitor is responsible to pay for a card if it disappears.

Changing an emit-card number costs 2 euro. Competitor is responsible that he/she has a valid emit card and the emit card number is the same than at starting lists.

Instruction for starts 1 and 2 for both days:

There are control descriptions and emit card back-up cards at starts. No fasteners or covers for control descriptions. Control descriptions are not printed on the maps. Conpetitor take him/herself a back-up card.

Four minutes before the start the emit card will be checked and activated. The competition map can be seen three minutes before the start. One minute before the start the competitor steps to the map box and takes the map at the moment of start.

Note: Competition numbers are at the competition center.

Instructions for start 3:

There are control descriptions and emit card back-up cards at starts. No fasteners or covers for control descriptions. Control descriptions are not printed on the maps. Conpetitor take him/herself a back-up card. Classes H/DRR9-H/DRR10 don't need control descriptions. Note: Competition numbers are at the competition center.

Competitor is called to the closed start area 4 minutes before his/her start time and the emit card is checked. 3 minutes before the start competitors can watch a model map where the start triangel is marked.

TR and RR runners will get their maps 2 minutes before the start time and they can get advises from organisers if needed.

Other classes will have their maps 1 minute before the start time.

On the terrain RR-route is marked with red-yellow-white stripes. The route is also marked on the map. RR controls are marked with RR-codes (RR1, RR2, RR3…).

Every missing punching gives 10 minutes extra to competitor's time on RR-class.

Starts at Saturday:

First start 12.00am. Drinking water available on Saturday at start 1. Please follow the marked routes to start place and be careful near the road when going to start 1.

Start1: 3,2km
Start2: 2,0km
Start3: 0,7km

Starts at Sunday:

First start 10.00am. Chase start, exept classes H/D21B, H/D21C, H/D70-85, H/D 9RR-14.

Start times for class leaders are below. When the time difference to the leading runner after Saturday is over 20 minutes, 1 minute start interval is used. Those who don't finish the course on Saturday or only compete on Sunday will start at the end.

Competitors are called to closed start area 5 minutes before start time. There competitor will get a sticker with his/her start time. Competitors must stay in line in right order according to the start times.

D16 11:20:00
D18 10:50:00
D20 11:55:00
D21A 11:50:00
D21AL 11:35:00
D21E 12:25:00
D35 10:35:00
D40 12:30:00
D45 12:10:00
D50 12:00:00
D55 12:25:00
D60 10:20:00
D65 11:30:00
H15 10:00:00
H16 10:55:00
H18  12:05:00
H20  12:05:00
H21A  10:10:00
H21AL  10:05:00
H21E  12:40:00
H35A  10:30:00
H35AL  10:15:00
H40A  10:45:00
H40AL  10:40:00
H45A 10:00:00
H45AL 10:25:00
H50A 11:10:00
H50AL 11:05:00
H55A 11:40:00
H55AL 12:40:00
H60A 11:17:00 
H60AL 11:10:00 
H65 10:20:00 

Start1: 1,7km
Start2: 1,6km
Start3: 0,5km

Finish: There is a marked route from the last controls to the finish. Competitor must punch immediately at finish line. After that competitor goes to emit-card reading point.

On Sunday (chase start) the finish line judge will determine the places at the finish line. Competitor must still punch immediately after crossed the finish line.

DNFs: Competitor who don't run the whole course must come normally to finish or otherwise make his/her arrival from forest known at the finish.

First aid: There is a first aid point at the terrain, marked on the maps. First aid personnel also at the competition center.

Water control: There is a drinking possibility (water) for classes D21E, H21A, H20, H35A (once) and H21E (twice) on Saturday.

Prizes: Prizes are given according to the result of the both days. Number of prizes/class can be seen on the notice board. H21E, D21E and H/DRR9-H/D14 will have a prize giving ceremony. Others will get their prizes from the prize tent.

Possibility to use showers at Pirttimäki on the way to the parking area.

Child care: At the competition center.

Parking: 1-2km to the competition center.

Motion orienteering / Open courses: On Saturday 1-2pm and on Sunday 11-12am. Costs 5€ (under 19 years olds 2€), emit card rent 3€. The courses are 3, 5 and 7 km on Saturday and 3 and 5 km on Sunday.

Take care that you have enough time when you arrive; distance from the parking area can be 2 km and distances to starts are 1-3,2km!


Helsingin Suunnistajat ry